Custom Query (361 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 361)

1 2 3 4
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#296 PG accepts garbage though Coq said "illegal begin of vernac" courtieu defect major PG-Emacs-4.2 2:pg-emacs
#297 Finding of lisp relative to the "proofgeneral" script is broken David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#298 Isabelle indentation David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#299 Out of sync with Isabelle David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#300 Emacs 22: strange keyword categorization David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#301 Ubuntu 9.10: PG menus broken David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#302 Coq mode requires hilit19.el which is not in Emacs 23 David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#303 underlining on error sucks David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#304 Isabelle: trying to undo a step fails for me David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#306 Odd display of sub/superscripts David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#307 synchronization loss with interrupts David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#308 Emacs 23 slow -- especially on Cygwin David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#309 -p option (Isar interface) does not permit additional parameters to emacs executable David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#310 Subscripts in locked region are revealed the moment you finish a lemma David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#311 Unicode tokens: cannot select certain fonts from menu David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#313 Unicode tokens: tweak support for Coq David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#314 Duplication of some special messages David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#315 failure to show ML errors David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#316 UI glitch: point still jumps about when follow-mode=never move David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#321 Retract buffer broken David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#322 Isabelle: "error in process filter: Wrong number of arguments" when using tracing() in ML David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#323 Strange errors of make compile concerning save-excursion/set-buffer David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#324 Script management very slow on some platforms David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#325 Splash buffer occupies half the frame David Aspinall defect trivial PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#326 Strange warnings on Emacs for Mac OS X David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#327 Elisp stack overflow when retracting many files at once David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#328 Strange resizing of main buffer after minibuffer dialog corres David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#329 Unwanted kill-buffer at startup David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#330 Error raised by proof-issue-goal and proof-issue-save David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#332 Minibuffer display of first line of urgent messages lost? David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#333 Restart tool button points to manual David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#334 Broken Keybindings for Show Me -> ... and others David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#335 Script management: old-style undo broken in Isar David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#337 C-c C-a h is undefined David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#338 Report Emacs bug: subscript and superscripts don't work with native Mac OS Emacsen David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#339 Infinite loop on module print with coq-8.3 David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#340 Key binding syntax in proof-splash.el David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#342 Distracting error (actually raised by coq-command-at-point) David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.0 7:prover-coq
#343 Missing test in proof-store-buffer-win David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.0 7:prover-coq
#344 proof-retract-buffer incomplete David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#345 Semi-colons (';') cause outer syntax error: one command expected David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#346 Coq multiple keywords are wrongly colorized David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#348 Need to update in coq-syntax.el the keywords containing the word Local David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.0 7:prover-coq
#349 proof-process-buffer in a single shot (Mac OS X) David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#352 Unexpected shift in toolbar buttons David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#355 Autosend should be re-engaged after C-c C-n David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#356 Coq identifiers are unexpectedly colorized David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.0 7:prover-coq
#358 link to proof general is broken David Aspinall defect blocker PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#359 Fix coq.el bindings (coq-insert-term, proof-store-goals-win, & coq-SearchAbout) David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.0 7:prover-coq
#360 link to proof general is broken and lacks helpful message David Aspinall defect blocker PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#362 Proof Completed message for Coq is lost David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#363 Multiple file handling for Coq needs sensible treatment David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#365 Fix three mouse bindings in proof-menu.el, pg-goals.el, and pg-vars.el David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#366 Fix documentation for mouse button commands David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#368 coq, already defined values David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 7:prover-coq
#369 PG will not compile under non-windowing Emacs David Aspinall defect blocker PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#370 Proof General immediately starts processing the file as soon as I open it David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#371 electric terminator mode broken David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#372 funny => sign all over my scripts David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#373 PG 4.0 forgets things. David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#374 cannot turn on electric-terminator interactively David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#375 PG goes into infinite loop with 100% CPU usage David Aspinall defect blocker PG-Emacs-4.0 2:pg-emacs
#379 Syntax error in ProofGeneral.desktop file David Aspinall defect trivial PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#380 Downloaded bytecode buggy? David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs
#382 coq-mode inhibits automatic saving of abbrevs David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 7:prover-coq
#383 no deactivation-hooks when killing fully asserted active buffer David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#384 Isabelle process killed rudely David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#386 Coq goals counter not reset on backtracking out of proof courtieu defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#387 Preferences lost when prover restarted David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#389 Mac OS X font selection problems David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#390 Odd progress markers in text mode David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#391 proof-full-annotation causes instabilities David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.2 2:pg-emacs
#392 Isabelle anti-quotation colouring obliterates symbol font setting David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.2 2:pg-emacs
#394 Coq "Library" keyword - incorrect coloring courtieu defect trivial PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#395 proof-segment-up-to-using-cache broken since Oct 11 20:07:17 2010 +0200 David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#396 error in proof-shell-insert-hook docstring David Aspinall defect trivial PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#397 Coq PG: changing scripting buffer and automatically restarting misses first command David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#398 Compilation failure with mmm and Emacs development version David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#399 dvi target in doc/Makefile.doc missing David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#400 assert newly added text in ancestor fails David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#402 Clean up customization groups/settings David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.2 2:pg-emacs
#403 comment-dwim and kill-rectangle in the locked region David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#404 Coq parse error with undelimited comment David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#405 Report Emacs bug: Quail input breaks delete-char behaviour David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.2 2:pg-emacs
#406 auto compile bugs when some outputs is done by coqc coquser defect critical PG-Emacs-4.2 2:pg-emacs
#407 proof-undo-and-delete-last-successful-command does not meet spec David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#408 Auto compile fails if coq-compile-response-buffer has been killed David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#409 Problem with wide unicode characters in emacs 23.3 David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.2 2:pg-emacs
#410 coq parsing broken since Jun 04 20:12:40 David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#411 wiki formatting corrupts tickets David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#412 coq parsing broken since Jun 04 20:12:40 (II) David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#413 Clicking on Find icon does not bring up input buffer David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#414 PG thinks Preterm command is not state-preserving David Aspinall defect trivial PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#415 Wrong file mentioned in installation notes David Aspinall defect trivial PG-Emacs-4.1 6:web-and-docs
#416 Emacs indentation can go into an infinite loop David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#417 Website states wrong minimal emacs version David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 6:web-and-docs
#418 Emacs is not responding after typing `Case "".<newline>` David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#419 Print Fully Explicit option gets out of sync after undoing before point where it was changed David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3 7:prover-coq
#420 Another Emacs indentation freeze David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
#421 proof-shell-exit raises an exception "Buffer foo.v has no process" coquser defect critical PG-Emacs-4.1 2:pg-emacs
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