Custom Query (56 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#38 Add automated testing framework new alex heneveld critical 1:pg-eclipse
#42 Extract Isabelle-specific behaviour; design prover extension point new David Aspinall critical 1:pg-eclipse
#5 Replace ThreadPool with Eclipse job management new David Aspinall major 1:pg-eclipse
#10 Refactor and enhance document model new David Aspinall major 1:pg-eclipse
#35 Implement Java PGIP abstraction, independently of Eclipse code new David Aspinall major 1:pg-eclipse
#37 ProverKnowledge updates and improvements new David Aspinall major 1:pg-eclipse
#40 Implement document regions and annotations/markers for colouring new David Aspinall major 1:pg-eclipse
#41 Revive GEF dependency graph viewer as a separate plugin new David Aspinall major 1:pg-eclipse
#44 Support openblock/closeblock elements in prover parse output. new David Aspinall major 1:pg-eclipse
#45 Use workbench progress feedbacks; provide busy indications new David Aspinall major 1:pg-eclipse
#47 Complete configuration of <lexicalsyntax> elements assigned David Aspinall major 1:pg-eclipse
#73 Enhancements for Proof Objects view new David Aspinall major 1:pg-eclipse
#75 Proof Script Editor context menu improvements new David Aspinall major 1:pg-eclipse
#76 Add Prove-As-You-Type option new David Aspinall major 1:pg-eclipse
#79 Improve symbols: support table inclusions; add Mac and Windows overrides new David Aspinall major 1:pg-eclipse
#87 Add support for indentation in proof script editor new Graham Dutton major 1:pg-eclipse
#101 Add scriptreplace and menu choice interaction new David Aspinall major 5:PGIP-design
#108 Support proof object searching via search dialog new David Aspinall major 1:pg-eclipse
#122 Use Batch Build Command and Project Batch Build Command new David Aspinall major 1:pg-eclipse
#125 Use <askprefs> message to configure prover-specific preferences new Graham Dutton major 1:pg-eclipse
#134 Generalise lexing to better match Isar syntax assigned David Aspinall major 1:pg-eclipse
#136 Add compare support for proof scripts new David Aspinall major 1:pg-eclipse
#145 PGIP parser: add string tokens for categories new David Aspinall major 4:prover-isabelle
#146 Add "sendback" messages to match behaviour added to PG Emacs new David Aspinall major 5:PGIP-design
#147 Add support for (static) code templates inside Isabelle new David Aspinall major 4:prover-isabelle
#169 Complete buffer history enhancement assigned David Aspinall major PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#273 next-error functions: document and streamline accepted David Aspinall major PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#429 Coq should support *trace* buffer for idtac output reopened David Aspinall major PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#454 coq mode: compile before import fails when no .v file assigned hendrik major PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#11 Builder for parsing/proving files automatically new David Aspinall minor 1:pg-eclipse
#13 Add proof object search facilities to IdView assigned Graham Dutton minor 1:pg-eclipse
#17 Add clear button for prover output accepted Graham Dutton minor 1:pg-eclipse
#18 Add hover for prover output (on any blue space) new David Aspinall minor 1:pg-eclipse
#22 Refactor SessionManager assigned David Aspinall minor 1:pg-eclipse
#23 Test and refine capabilities/activities new Graham Dutton minor 1:pg-eclipse
#29 Symbol table editing scheme: fix filename and add edit action rather than create new David Aspinall minor 1:pg-eclipse
#32 Add some user documentation new David Aspinall minor 1:pg-eclipse
#43 Improve output markup (pgml.xsl) assigned Graham Dutton minor 1:pg-eclipse
#46 Extra view for Problem Details new David Aspinall minor 1:pg-eclipse
#51 Add processing direction to 'active script' decorator new anonymous minor 1:pg-eclipse
#60 Improve icons throughout new David Aspinall minor 1:pg-eclipse
#80 Improve symbols/character display: allow superscript, subscript (and maybe bold, italic, colours, ...) new David Aspinall minor 1:pg-eclipse
#85 Outline view improvements new David Aspinall minor 1:pg-eclipse
#94 Selecting print mode via interface new David Aspinall minor 5:PGIP-design
#96 Start/stop quiet: disable these and use statedisplay instead new David Aspinall minor 4:prover-isabelle
#107 Support text file searching with symbol encoding/decoding new Graham Dutton minor 1:pg-eclipse
#130 Add project batch builder new Graham Dutton minor 1:pg-eclipse
#133 Enhance proof project nature: add proof project preference, use prover-specifics new David Aspinall minor 1:pg-eclipse
#144 Build a hybrid top level that removes PG specific one new David Aspinall minor 4:prover-isabelle
#158 cursor positioning is wrong when sending commands accepted Graham Dutton minor 1:pg-eclipse
#195 Replace crufty PHP code for interpreting outline mode with some Javascript new David Aspinall minor 6:web-and-docs
#208 Generalise Coq's modeline subgoal counter for other provers accepted David Aspinall minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#239 Remove reliance on dom4j new David Aspinall minor 1:pg-eclipse
#488 Display of Ltac debugging mode new David Aspinall minor 2:pg-emacs
#506 Please add Proof IDE support to emacs PG new David Aspinall minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#514 Emacs org-mode integration new David Aspinall minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.