Custom Query (149 matches)


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Results (101 - 149 of 149)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#354 synchronisation lost with "process rest" and "undo" new David Aspinall defect minor
#456 initialization failure with defpacustom :eval new David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.3
#457 Remove/invoke proof-shell-pre-interrupt-hook new David Aspinall task minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#462 Improve library bundling new David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.4
#464 proof script not displayed after startup new David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#465 proof script not displayed after startup new David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#480 [match]es sometimes screw up indentation new David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#481 proof-set-value does not handle errors in :eval forms of defpacustom new David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#483 ltac: and constr: should not affect indentation new David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#488 Display of Ltac debugging mode new David Aspinall enhancement minor
#490 Bad parsing of .} new David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#496 Aquamacs point moving new David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#497 coq auto-compile and spaces in directory names lead to failure new David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#498 coq-compile-before-require should allow non-source installations new David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.3
#499 delays between coq messages can cause PG to duplicate some new David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#501 wrongly embedded pathname in ProofGeneral-4.3pre150202 new David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#506 Please add Proof IDE support to emacs PG new David Aspinall enhancement minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#507 PG for Coq does not interpret quotes within comments like Coq does new David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#508 The option -emacs-U is depracated Proof General should use -emacs instead. new David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#509 isar/isar-unicode-tokens.el:687:1:Error: the function `isar-markup-ml' is not known to be defined. new David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#510 coq-time-commands hangs on bullets with Coq-8.5 new David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#513 Splash screen disappears too quickly new David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.4
#514 Emacs org-mode integration new David Aspinall enhancement minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#13 Add proof object search facilities to IdView assigned Graham Dutton enhancement minor
#22 Refactor SessionManager assigned David Aspinall enhancement minor
#34 Event processing cleanups assigned David Aspinall task major
#43 Improve output markup (pgml.xsl) assigned Graham Dutton enhancement minor
#47 Complete configuration of <lexicalsyntax> elements assigned David Aspinall enhancement major
#127 Fix Action Bar active editor switching; simplify actions assigned David Aspinall defect major
#134 Generalise lexing to better match Isar syntax assigned David Aspinall enhancement major
#169 Complete buffer history enhancement assigned David Aspinall enhancement major PG-Emacs-4.3
#240 Bad behaviour in startup when proof executables (isabelle, isatool) not found assigned Graham Dutton defect minor
#244 Comical giant icons in outline view assigned Graham Dutton defect minor
#249 Script management error for locales; undo action failure should not generate markers assigned David Aspinall critical
#250 Interrupt causes document inconsistency assigned David Aspinall defect blocker
#454 coq mode: compile before import fails when no .v file assigned hendrik enhancement major PG-Emacs-4.3
#17 Add clear button for prover output accepted Graham Dutton enhancement minor
#158 cursor positioning is wrong when sending commands accepted Graham Dutton enhancement minor
#208 Generalise Coq's modeline subgoal counter for other provers accepted David Aspinall enhancement minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#273 next-error functions: document and streamline accepted David Aspinall enhancement major PG-Emacs-4.3
#276 Unicode tokens: resolve font-lock issues, optimise accepted David Aspinall task major PG-Emacs-4.3
#351 Show/hide of proofs in Coq can hide too much accepted David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.3
#361 Generic adjustment of prover's pretty-printing width accepted David Aspinall task minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#364 Unify proof-query-identifier and pg-identifier-near-point-query (cleanup) accepted David Aspinall task trivial PG-Emacs-4.3
#367 Fix web pages and update screenshots accepted David Aspinall task major PG-Emacs-4.3
#385 Isabelle theorem dependencies display broken accepted David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#401 Parser cache does not respect fly-past-comments accepted David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3
#425 Consider simplifying span amalgamation to match prover undo behaviour accepted David Aspinall task major PG-Emacs-4.3
#448 Repair autotest load sequence so works in compiled and interpreted code accepted David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.3
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.