Custom Query (34 matches)


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Status: closed (34 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#406 auto compile bugs when some outputs is done by coqc coquser defect critical 2:pg-emacs upstream
#159 Goal centering courtieu enhancement minor 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#296 PG accepts garbage though Coq said "illegal begin of vernac" courtieu defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#138 Can't insert text after locking a comment David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs fixed
#225 Allow Unicode Tokens to work smoothly for several modes at once David Aspinall enhancement minor 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#272 Port identifier completion code from PG Eclipse. David Aspinall enhancement minor 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#275 Overhaul script management command sending David Aspinall task major 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#350 Report Emacs bug (was: Unicode tokens "Reveal Control/Symbol Tokens" reveals hidden text in script buffer) David Aspinall task minor 2:pg-emacs duplicate
#378 Makefile "make" should detect wrong bytecode file version and rebuild David Aspinall enhancement minor 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#391 proof-full-annotation causes instabilities David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs invalid
#392 Isabelle anti-quotation colouring obliterates symbol font setting David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#402 Clean up customization groups/settings David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#405 Report Emacs bug: Quail input breaks delete-char behaviour David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs upstream
#409 Problem with wide unicode characters in emacs 23.3 David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs upstream
#427 defpacustom and undo David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs duplicate
#428 subsubsection links not working in PG doc David Aspinall defect critical 2:pg-emacs fixed
#430 Make "Set Ltac Debug" work David Aspinall enhancement major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#431 "This subproof is complete" appears at bottom of goals David Aspinall defect trivial 7:prover-coq needmoreinfo
#432 Add documentation of *trace* buffer to PG Adapting manual David Aspinall task major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#433 unexpected cursor position after stepping through command with terminator at line ending David Aspinall enhancement minor 2:pg-emacs duplicate
#435 wrong behaviour of the period David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#436 Starting the coq process results in an error David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#437 compilation error with LANG=C David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#438 Startup failure on Emacs 23 David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#439 Hang on open bracket David Aspinall defect major 7:prover-coq invalid
#440 User manual link on development page broken David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#441 make -C doc magic fails David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#443 Retracting, editing, then re-evaluating/proving sometimes results in definitions that do not match the contents of the file David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#444 three windows mode at pg start when a warning window David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#445 Proof General (or coqtop?) barfs on "Arguments foo / ..." David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs worksforme
#447 Proof General stalls on long Ltac (Coq) David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs duplicate
#449 coq electric terminator conflict David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#450 Proof in proof tree David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#453 Sending too-large definitions gets stuck David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs upstream
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.