Custom Query (64 matches)


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Status: closed (64 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#317 Report emacs bug: overlapping visibility properties David Aspinall task minor 2:pg-emacs upstream
#318 Report emacs bug: segfault with use of display property/font-lock David Aspinall task major 2:pg-emacs upstream
#338 Report Emacs bug: subscript and superscripts don't work with native Mac OS Emacsen David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs upstream
#413 Clicking on Find icon does not bring up input buffer David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs worksforme
#319 delete would be nice if it didn't expant symbols David Aspinall enhancement minor 2:pg-emacs duplicate
#390 Odd progress markers in text mode David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs duplicate
#190 Improve proof shell initialisation order David Aspinall task minor 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#192 Improve out-of-the-box behaviour for some common configurations David Aspinall enhancement minor 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#217 Chosen logic: changes should invoke isabelle-load-isar-keywords David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#226 Add configurable key bindings to Unicode Tokens tables David Aspinall enhancement minor 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#228 Restore tracing slow mode if necessary David Aspinall enhancement minor 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#230 Configuration simplification: unify regexp/function settings David Aspinall task minor 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#231 Consider replacing maths-menu for token mode with own version David Aspinall enhancement minor 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#295 Undo on edit in ML-sections David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#308 Emacs 23 slow -- especially on Cygwin David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#312 Unicode tokens: add support for PhoX David Aspinall task major 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#313 Unicode tokens: tweak support for Coq David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#345 Semi-colons (';') cause outer syntax error: one command expected David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#355 Autosend should be re-engaged after C-c C-n David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#389 Mac OS X font selection problems David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#411 wiki formatting corrupts tickets David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#168 Reorganise TODO files in distribution David Aspinall task minor 2:pg-emacs fixed
#279 Proof visibility controls broken David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#289 Drawback of command wrapping in PG+Isar David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs fixed
#290 Undo and delete for token input don't behave as expected David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#293 Synchronisation losses with undo-on-edit David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#294 Make pg-protected-undo allow in undo in comments of locked region David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs fixed
#311 Unicode tokens: cannot select certain fonts from menu David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs fixed
#316 UI glitch: point still jumps about when follow-mode=never move David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs fixed
#324 Script management very slow on some platforms David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#357 Feature suggestion: function + binding to insert Coq closing tactics David Aspinall enhancement major 7:prover-coq fixed
#363 Multiple file handling for Coq needs sensible treatment David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#371 electric terminator mode broken David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#376 Enable and complete testing of parser cache, add to user options menu David Aspinall task major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#379 Syntax error in ProofGeneral.desktop file David Aspinall defect trivial 2:pg-emacs fixed
#382 coq-mode inhibits automatic saving of abbrevs David Aspinall defect major 7:prover-coq fixed
#383 no deactivation-hooks when killing fully asserted active buffer David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#384 Isabelle process killed rudely David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#386 Coq goals counter not reset on backtracking out of proof courtieu defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#387 Preferences lost when prover restarted David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#394 Coq "Library" keyword - incorrect coloring courtieu defect trivial 2:pg-emacs fixed
#395 proof-segment-up-to-using-cache broken since Oct 11 20:07:17 2010 +0200 David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#396 error in proof-shell-insert-hook docstring David Aspinall defect trivial 2:pg-emacs fixed
#397 Coq PG: changing scripting buffer and automatically restarting misses first command David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#398 Compilation failure with mmm and Emacs development version David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#399 dvi target in doc/Makefile.doc missing David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs fixed
#400 assert newly added text in ancestor fails David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#403 comment-dwim and kill-rectangle in the locked region David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#404 Coq parse error with undelimited comment David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#407 proof-undo-and-delete-last-successful-command does not meet spec David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs fixed
#408 Auto compile fails if coq-compile-response-buffer has been killed David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs fixed
#410 coq parsing broken since Jun 04 20:12:40 David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#412 coq parsing broken since Jun 04 20:12:40 (II) David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#414 PG thinks Preterm command is not state-preserving David Aspinall defect trivial 2:pg-emacs fixed
#415 Wrong file mentioned in installation notes David Aspinall defect trivial 6:web-and-docs fixed
#416 Emacs indentation can go into an infinite loop David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#417 Website states wrong minimal emacs version David Aspinall defect major 6:web-and-docs fixed
#418 Emacs is not responding after typing `Case "".<newline>` David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#420 Another Emacs indentation freeze David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#421 proof-shell-exit raises an exception "Buffer foo.v has no process" coquser defect critical 2:pg-emacs fixed
#422 Support for entering ellipsis in electric terminator mode David Aspinall enhancement minor 2:pg-emacs fixed
#423 List customisation variables use wrong widget David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs fixed
#424 proof-shell-exit does not follow standard emacs policy with query-exit. David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#426 proof-user-options custom group partly broken David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.