Custom Query (39 matches)


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Status: closed (39 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#74 Coq: bug in electric terminator: typing '.' in comment causes comment to be sent and locked David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#88 Buffer invisibility spec bug with Emacs 22 David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs worksforme
#103 Add ASCII markup communication for Coq (fix UTF8 stream/FAQ no.1) David Aspinall enhancement major 7:prover-coq fixed
#109 Missing output from Coq David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#110 Search Rewrite and Search About queries for Proof General/Coq David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#111 Centering the goal window on the right part of the goals David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#112 Filter out control characters in shell buffer or copy from shell buffer David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#114 Spurious "replaced xyz occurrences" messages David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#115 Isabelle find-theorems form David Aspinall enhancement major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#119 Fix compilation problems, missing files courtieu defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#120 Fix docstring magic to interpret blank lines as whitespace inside verbatim regions David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#121 Add download counter to web Graham Dutton enhancement major 6:web-and-docs fixed
#129 X-Symbol in GNU Emacs: fix support for hiding tokens \<^loc>, \<bsub>, etc David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#141 Warnings missing in proof mode in Coq David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs worksforme
#152 Faults with main regexps in XEmacs 21.5(b28) for Coq courtieu defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#161 The font-lock setup misbehaves when started via menu David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#162 Compatibility ProofGeneral-3.7pre071025, Isabelle, XEmacs 21.5.28 David Aspinall defect major 4:prover-isabelle invalid
#163 Problems with x-symbol in XEmacs 21.5.28 (latin-iso8859-2 error) David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#164 Error with GNU Emacs 21.4.1/C-c C-BS David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#165 Cygwin: font-lock crashes on XEmacs 21.4.20 David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs wontfix
#174 Unable to exit prover David Aspinall defect major 4:prover-isabelle fixed
#175 ProofGeneral accidentally resets itself while scrolling David Aspinall defect major 4:prover-isabelle fixed
#178 Emacs occasionally hangs when doing isearch-forward. David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs worksforme
#180 Sub/superscript sometimes not rendered properly. David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#182 Problem with sub/superscript in GNU Emacs 21.4.1 (Ubuntu 7.10) David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#183 ProofGeneral crashes when displaying tracing messages David Aspinall defect major 4:prover-isabelle fixed
#184 lib/maths-menu.el doesn't compile on XEmacs 21.4 David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs fixed
#185 Failed initialization of *trace* buffer (xemacs-21.4.x) David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs duplicate
#186 Failed initialization of *trace* buffer (xemacs-21.4.x) David Aspinall defect major 2:pg-emacs duplicate
#189 Undo does not work for diagnostic commands in proofs David Aspinall defect major 4:prover-isabelle fixed
#113 Coq commands not described in coq/coq-syntax.el David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs fixed
#117 Add resized toolbar icons David Aspinall task minor 2:pg-emacs fixed
#160 "Abort" keyword not recognized in Coq David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs fixed
#167 GNU Emacs 22.1.1 allows only one undo in a row from the toolbar while C-c C-u works David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs invalid
#171 Documentation fix for Isabelle keybindings David Aspinall defect minor 6:web-and-docs fixed
#172 Problem with indentation in Coq mode David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs fixed
#173 coq indenting mode gets confused by *) in proofs David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs fixed
#181 Strange font-lock warning/error in GNU Emacs 21.4.1 (Ubuntu 7.10) David Aspinall defect minor 2:pg-emacs fixed
#116 Coq syntax highlighting: identifiers starting with "fun" are wrongly coloured David Aspinall defect trivial 2:pg-emacs fixed
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