Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#305 closed enhancement (needmoreinfo)

High overhead

Reported by: Norbert Schirmer Owned by: David Aspinall
Priority: major Milestone: PG-Emacs-4.0
Component: 2:pg-emacs Keywords:


When processing larger portions (thousands of lines) of a Isabelle theory file (e.g. with goto point), the cpu is almost completely consumed by emacs (over 90%) and poly only has a few %. This makes interactive work quite annoying.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by David Aspinall

Resolution: needmoreinfo
Status: newclosed

This generally shouldn't be the case, but it depends on the circumstances. If there is a large volume of output from each line, for example, CPU is unavoidably high if you have "full annotation" switched on since each bit of output must be processed and cached.

There are also some low-level Emacs settings that affect this behaviour: if you can provide a concrete test circumstance I can investigate further to see what is happening for you.

Otherwise, the work-around is to split your file into more pieces, at least while you work interactively, to allow chunks to be processed in the batch mode.

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