Custom Query (120 matches)


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Results (101 - 120 of 120)

1 2
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#457 Remove/invoke proof-shell-pre-interrupt-hook David Aspinall task minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#462 Improve library bundling David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.4 2:pg-emacs
#464 proof script not displayed after startup David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#465 proof script not displayed after startup David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#480 [match]es sometimes screw up indentation David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#481 proof-set-value does not handle errors in :eval forms of defpacustom David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#483 ltac: and constr: should not affect indentation David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#488 Display of Ltac debugging mode David Aspinall enhancement minor 2:pg-emacs
#490 Bad parsing of .} David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#496 Aquamacs point moving David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#497 coq auto-compile and spaces in directory names lead to failure David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#499 delays between coq messages can cause PG to duplicate some David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#501 wrongly embedded pathname in ProofGeneral-4.3pre150202 David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#506 Please add Proof IDE support to emacs PG David Aspinall enhancement minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#507 PG for Coq does not interpret quotes within comments like Coq does David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#508 The option -emacs-U is depracated Proof General should use -emacs instead. David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#509 isar/isar-unicode-tokens.el:687:1:Error: the function `isar-markup-ml' is not known to be defined. David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#510 coq-time-commands hangs on bullets with Coq-8.5 David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#513 Splash screen disappears too quickly David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.4 2:pg-emacs
#514 Emacs org-mode integration David Aspinall enhancement minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
1 2
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