Custom Query (361 matches)


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Results (94 - 96 of 361)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#394 fixed Coq "Library" keyword - incorrect coloring courtieu coqletsgo

When using "Extraction Library <Module>", the "Library" word is not highlighted in blue like all other keywords (Extraction, Require, etc).

#392 wontfix Isabelle anti-quotation colouring obliterates symbol font setting David Aspinall Clemens Ballarin

I can now get most symbols displayed by choosing "Apple Symbols" in the Tokens menu with the exception of symbols in antiquotations like @{term "\<Longrightarrow>"}. For these I need to commit to "Apple Symbols" for the whole buffer, from the Options > Appearance menue (which works with pre110131).

#391 invalid proof-full-annotation causes instabilities David Aspinall Makarius

This is GNU Emacs 23.x on Linux or Mac OS.

The default proof-full-annotation uses a lot of resources, both on the Emacs and ML side, resulting in odd instabilities.

For example, open the file Isabelle2011/src/HOL/Auth/Message.thy and assert the whole buffer. This is quite slow, and there is a good chance that it stops in the middle with an Interrupt from the prover (which indicates some low-memory situation).

For this reason, the distributed Proof General is patched to have proof-full-annotation disabled by default.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.