Custom Query (361 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 361)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#176 fixed Allow isabelle-chosen-logic to be set by variable comment in thy file David Aspinall David Aspinall

At the moment a comment like

(* -*- isabelle-chosen-logic: "HOL-Nominal" -*- *)

doesn't work as desired because of the way the program arguments are set only when we change with the menu. Could improve this by using a calculate function like Coq does.

#177 fixed Complete Unicode Token coding system and input method David Aspinall David Aspinall

This is an experimental partial replacement for X-Symbol.

Ultimately it should be possible to extend it to handle control characters for subscript/superscript and other highlights.

What is missing at the moment is a coding system. The (efficient) way to do this requires writing decode/encode functions in the dedicated CCL language, maybe. Another possibility might be to use a decode map in quail, but examples/documentation are thin on the ground.

#178 worksforme Emacs occasionally hangs when doing isearch-forward. David Aspinall Makarius

Using GNU emacs 22.1.1 on Ubuntu 7.10, the editor occasionally hangs when doing isearch-forward.

E.g. reproduce this by visiting Isabelle/src/HOL/Lambda/WeakNorm.thy: type C-s, type "c" "o" "n" "s" (which finds an occurreny of "Cons" in the text), continuing to type "t" makes emacs hang; after C-g it works again, but there is some danger it will again hang later.

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