Custom Query (19 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#205 x-symbol fails in Carbon Emacs David Aspinall defect closed major PG-Emacs-3.7.1
#433 unexpected cursor position after stepping through command with terminator at line ending David Aspinall enhancement closed minor PG-Emacs-4.2
#157 undo sometimes incorrectly tries to undo a larger container than is appropriate David Aspinall defect closed critical
#319 delete would be nice if it didn't expant symbols David Aspinall enhancement closed minor PG-Emacs-4.1
#427 defpacustom and undo David Aspinall defect closed minor PG-Emacs-4.2
#469 coqgeneral 4.3pre130327 does not compile with Emacs 24.3 David Aspinall defect closed blocker PG-Emacs-4.3
#283 assert command etc.: strange movement of point David Aspinall defect closed major PG-Emacs-4.0
#329 Unwanted kill-buffer at startup David Aspinall defect closed major PG-Emacs-4.0
#325 Splash buffer occupies half the frame David Aspinall defect closed trivial PG-Emacs-4.0
#350 Report Emacs bug (was: Unicode tokens "Reveal Control/Symbol Tokens" reveals hidden text in script buffer) David Aspinall task closed minor PG-Emacs-4.2
#447 Proof General stalls on long Ltac (Coq) David Aspinall defect closed major PG-Emacs-4.2
#390 Odd progress markers in text mode David Aspinall defect closed minor PG-Emacs-4.1
#185 Failed initialization of *trace* buffer (xemacs-21.4.x) David Aspinall defect closed major PG-Emacs-3.7
#186 Failed initialization of *trace* buffer (xemacs-21.4.x) David Aspinall defect closed major PG-Emacs-3.7
#442 Emacs 24 and long inputs David Aspinall defect closed major PG-Emacs-4.3
#212 Carbon Emacs: strange unicode abbreviations David Aspinall defect closed major PG-Emacs-3.7.1
#203 Carbon Emacs: no colouring of variables in Isabelle output David Aspinall defect closed major PG-Emacs-3.7.1
#337 C-c C-a h is undefined David Aspinall defect closed major PG-Emacs-4.0
#92 Attempt recovery from XML parse errors in PGIP main loop David Aspinall defect closed minor
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