Custom Query (361 matches)


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Results (4 - 6 of 361)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#154 fixed "restart" doesn't work alex heneveld alex heneveld

if i have an active scripting document, and then i restart, i cannot send any commands. i get the following errors:

Exception when looking for a command. null Document not parsed far enough, invalid target position given or missing parse data: 0

probably some fields aren't being cleared.

#309 fixed -p option (Isar interface) does not permit additional parameters to emacs executable David Aspinall Florian Haftmann

The -p option in isar/interface does not allow additional parameters to emacs executable, e.g._

-p "emacs-snapshot-gtk --name Isabelle"

In PG 3.7.1 it does. Maybe the reorganized parameter treatment in isar/interface does not treat whitespace as it used to do.

#291 fixed 3-Panel-mode: Strange buffer switch when loading a theory David Aspinall Alexander Krauss

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Proof General -> Quick Options -> Display -> Use Three Panes
  2. Open an Isabelle theory and click "next" (C-c C-n)

Effect: Isabelle starts up as normal, but the window with the theory buffer is replaced by the *Response* buffer. I can switch back, but it is annoying.

The same happens with "Process whole buffer" (C-c C-b) instead of "next".

Using 4.0pre090921 under GNU Emacs 23.1.1

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