Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#273 next-error functions: document and streamline David Aspinall enhancement major PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#276 Unicode tokens: resolve font-lock issues, optimise David Aspinall task major PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#351 Show/hide of proofs in Coq can hide too much David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#367 Fix web pages and update screenshots David Aspinall task major PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#425 Consider simplifying span amalgamation to match prover undo behaviour David Aspinall task major PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#448 Repair autotest load sequence so works in compiled and interpreted code David Aspinall defect major PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#17 Add clear button for prover output Graham Dutton enhancement minor 1:pg-eclipse
#158 cursor positioning is wrong when sending commands Graham Dutton enhancement minor 1:pg-eclipse
#208 Generalise Coq's modeline subgoal counter for other provers David Aspinall enhancement minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#361 Generic adjustment of prover's pretty-printing width David Aspinall task minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#385 Isabelle theorem dependencies display broken David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#401 Parser cache does not respect fly-past-comments David Aspinall defect minor PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
#364 Unify proof-query-identifier and pg-identifier-near-point-query (cleanup) David Aspinall task trivial PG-Emacs-4.3 2:pg-emacs
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.