Custom Query (361 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#78 David Aspinall David Aspinall fixed Preferences: support dynamically computed defaults

The preference mechanism should support dynamically computed defaults. This can be achieved by using reflection together with a method name given in the preference file:

 <pref name="ActiveHighlight" type="string" setDefault="setExample"/>

The method should be located in the already given class associated with the preference file, e.g.

  public Boolean setExample() {
     return Eclipse.isRunningOnMac() ? "Orange" : "Blue";

This is bogus and slightly silly example, but one reason we want this is to set platform-specific defaults for some values.

#116 David Aspinall Robin Green fixed Coq syntax highlighting: identifiers starting with "fun" are wrongly coloured

In my Coq file, identifiers beginning with "fun" have the "fun" in black and the rest of the identifier coloured.

Emacs: GNU Emacs (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.10.9)

of 2007-03-06 on

Proof General Version 3.7pre070511.

#325 David Aspinall Evgeny Makarov duplicate Splash buffer occupies half the frame


In the past, when PG was started, Emacs showed the splash screen with PG portrait for a few seconds and then switched to the proof script buffer that I was going to edit. The splash screen occupied the whole Emacs frame.

For many months now, during startup the frame is split in two vertically. The bottom buffer has the splash screen, while the top part briefly shows the *Messages* buffer and then switches to the script file. The frame stays split with the splash buffer at the bottom. This happens in particular with .emacs file having only one line that loads PG. (See my Emacs version below.)

I prefer the earlier behavior. Currently, the big version of the PG portrait I got from the EPS file does not fit the bottom half frame :-(

Emacs : GNU Emacs (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.12.9)

of 2009-08-01 on radon, modified by Debian

Package: Proof General

current state: ============== (setq

proof-general-version "Proof General Version 4.0pre100709. Released by da." proof-assistant "Coq" )


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