Custom Query (361 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#159 wontfix Goal centering courtieu mccreight

Is it possible to have the centering behavior of the *goals* window be configurable? I see from ticket #111 that the behavior was changed recently to center on the bottom of the goal instead of the top of the hypotheses, but unfortunately a lot of things I prove end up with 50 line goals, so the old behavior (while sometimes not ideal) is still better for me.

#204 fixed undo stops undoing in large proofs David Aspinall mccreight

In large Coq proofs (with more than 100 lines), undo stops working.

For instance:

Lemma Foo : True.


[repeat "idtac." around another 112 times]

assert (NI : ~False).

intros IX; auto.

(* Process the script until here, then undo back 3 or 4 lines.

Notice that NI doesn't disappear. *)

#296 fixed PG accepts garbage though Coq said "illegal begin of vernac" courtieu Matt McCutchen

If I type the following complete garbage and press "C-c C-RET" at the end of the line, Proof General accepts it, even though I see in the *coq* buffer that Coq has said "illegal begin of vernac":

Check nat.&!&*\:,.:<*&^!)@)$.

I'm guessing that Proof General doesn't recognize the first period as a command separator and there's a miscommunication between Coq and Proof General regarding how much of the text was processed.

I'm using GNU Emacs 23.1.1 and Proof General 3.7.1, though I checked that the problem still exists in the latest Proof General from CVS.

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