Custom Query (361 matches)


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Results (121 - 123 of 361)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#360 fixed link to proof general is broken and lacks helpful message David Aspinall megacz

The link to Proof General 4.0 on is broken and the comment next to the link simply says "link broken" instead of something more helpful like "not yet available, here is the link to the previous version".

#359 fixed Fix coq.el bindings (coq-insert-term, proof-store-goals-win, & coq-SearchAbout) David Aspinall Erik Martin-Dorel

I suggest to fix 3 key bindings issues in coq/coq.el:

The correct binding triggered by the keystroke "C-SPC" is [(control ?\s)], whereas the old one prevented from calling coq-insert-term.

For a similar reason to #341, we should avoid to bind a key that involves a "C-g" (suffix or whatever), which was the case for proof-store-goals-win; the same shortcut with capital G is free.

And for coq-goals-mode-map, coq-SearchAbout shouldn't be lowercase.

Kind regards, Erik Martin-Dorel.

#358 invalid link to proof general is broken David Aspinall megacz

The link to Proof General 4.0 on is broken. The web page also says "link broken".

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