Custom Query (361 matches)


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Results (118 - 120 of 361)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#365 fixed Fix three mouse bindings in proof-menu.el, pg-goals.el, and pg-vars.el David Aspinall Erik Martin-Dorel

The "mouse bindings" associated with proof-mouse-goto-point, proof-undo-and-delete-last-successful-command in *goals*, and pg-identifier-under-mouse-query needed to be fixed to avoid conflicts with existing GNU Emacs or PG bindings, including the one for holes-mouse-set-make-active-hole that was more or less overwritten.

I will upload a patch that should make these functions fully functional.

Kind regards, Erik Martin-Dorel.

#363 fixed Multiple file handling for Coq needs sensible treatment David Aspinall David Aspinall

We need to find a way to make Proof General development across multiple files mesh smoothly with Coq users' main Makefile-based batch build mechanism. In particular, undoing across completed scripts should behave consistently and work with Coq's top level.

#362 fixed Proof Completed message for Coq is lost David Aspinall courtieu

This is misleading because people think the proof is not finished. (the message "Proof Completed" in response buffer is hard to notice).

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