Custom Query (361 matches)


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Results (94 - 96 of 361)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#219 fixed Fix path loading for docstring magic in ProofGeneral.texi David Aspinall David Aspinall

Needed before next release to update and extend variable documentation; "make magic" is broken in doc/ directory.

#220 fixed Remove X-Symbol, XEmacs support and backward compatibility David Aspinall David Aspinall

Life moves on, and so does Emacs. We can only afford to support one main version and backward compatibility for a few previous releases. This major release will be a chance to clean up and simplify the code base and rationalise the number of supported systems.

#221 fixed XEmacs 21.4.x: Isabelle logic menu broken David Aspinall Makarius

After recent changes in isar/isabelle-system.el (9.1 or 9.2) the logic menu is broken:

Syntax error: "Unknown keyword in gui item", :help, "Default"

It does work with GNU Emacs, though.

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