Custom Query (361 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 361)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#201 fixed X-Symbol only half enabled (Emacs: yes, prover: no) David Aspinall Makarius

Linux (SuSE or Ubuntu) and xemacs-21.4.x

Running the isabelle-interface script with option -x true (for X-Symbols) does not fully enable xsymbols mode; in the Emacs buffer symbols are rendered as expected, but the prover does not have the "xsymbols" print_mode enabled.

After manual disabling and re-enabling in the PG/Options menu, xsymbols work as expected.

#202 fixed Prover chokes on Unicode Tokens (Carbon Emacs) David Aspinall Makarius

After a recent change in the unicode token mode, the prover chokes on the text sent by (Carbon) Emacs. Presumably, the tokens are not replaced by their Isabelle symbol equivalents.

#204 fixed undo stops undoing in large proofs David Aspinall mccreight

In large Coq proofs (with more than 100 lines), undo stops working.

For instance:

Lemma Foo : True.


[repeat "idtac." around another 112 times]

assert (NI : ~False).

intros IX; auto.

(* Process the script until here, then undo back 3 or 4 lines.

Notice that NI doesn't disappear. *)

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