Custom Query (361 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 361)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#198 fixed Prover executable not found when running without interface script David Aspinall Makarius

Using Carbon Emacs 1.6.0 without the isar/interface script, but loading .../PG/generic/proof-site.el manually, results in a non-functional environment.

When enabling PG by vising a thy file, the location of isatool is queried as expected. Nevertheless, trying to start the prover produces this error: Searching for program: no such file or directory, isabelle

A brief look at the elisp sources reveals a slightly untidy situation: isatool and isabelle executable locations are not really corellated. With isatool available one could just do isatool getenv -b ISABELLE to get the proper isabelle executable as well, instead there are funny attempts to guess at the PATH etc.

#199 fixed Allow use of Isabelle.command to wrap commands singly David Aspinall David Aspinall

Isabelle.command allows additional "properties" to be attached to individual commands when they are processed by Isar. Example properties are file name and line number (Isabelle Position type), which are not maintained by the top-level loop, but would be useful to get error messages to include this information when processing interactively.

#200 fixed Sledgehammer output broken David Aspinall David Aspinall

Output appears in *isabelle* buffer but not response buffer.

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