Custom Query (361 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 361)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#410 fixed coq parsing broken since Jun 04 20:12:40 David Aspinall coquser


the commit brakes parsing in Coq. Try

Require Export Coq.Lists.List.
Notation "[ ]" := nil : list_scope.
Notation "[ a ; .. ; b ]" := (a :: .. (b :: []) ..) : list_scope.



#409 upstream Problem with wide unicode characters in emacs 23.3 David Aspinall Generic Isabelle user

In Emacs23.3, when replacing tokens like \<Longrightarrow>, they are not recognized as wide characters, i.e. emacs thinks, they are still as wide as a normal character. This leads to problems, as emacs then overprints parts of the inserted character.

It does work when inserting the unicode symbol itself (i.e. not using the token-support) - so it does not look like an emacs problem per se.

Even more interesting, it also works flawlessly with emacs 23.2.

This was tested with ProofGeneral-4.1pre101216-p1 and ProofGeneral-4.1pre110601

#408 fixed Auto compile fails if coq-compile-response-buffer has been killed David Aspinall Erik Martin-Dorel

To reproduce the bug:

  1. Create an empty file one.v, using for example [M-! touch one.v];
  1. Create another file two.v with the text
Require Import one.
  1. Ensure coq-compile-before-require is true, then script two.v;

the automatic compilation succeeds.

  1. Modify one.v, for example by writing something like
Require Export List.
  1. Kill buffer *coq-compile-response*, then script again two.v;

the compilation fails with error

condition-case: Selecting deleted buffer

Thanks to the help of the Emacs debugger, I have found the source of the bug:

In function coq-init-compile-response-buffer from coq/coq.el, the first test

(if (bufferp coq-compile-response-buffer)

is problematic as in this particular state, coq-compile-response-buffer is neither nil nor a relevant buffer value (namely, it is #<killed buffer>, for which bufferp holds).

Moreover, coq-init-compile-response-buffer must beheave well if the user has opened buffer *coq-compile-response* by hand while coq-compile-response-buffer is still nil or #<killed buffer>.

To conclude, I guess we ought to write something like

(if (setq coq-compile-response-buffer
          (get-buffer coq-compile-response-buffer-name))

to fix both problems.

Kind regards,

Erik Martin-Dorel

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