Custom Query (361 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 361)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#289 fixed Drawback of command wrapping in PG+Isar David Aspinall David Aspinall

[message from Lucas Dixon]

(PG: 4.0pre090916) I used to sprinkle semi-colon's around my theory files so that I could quickly introduce new syntax. I noticed recently that this now has some annoying behaviour:

; ;

now produces:

*** Outer syntax error: exactly one command expected

It would be nicer (for me) if it still treated ";" as a command separator, and let them have whitespace between.

The same error crops up in a couple of other places:


val _ = 1;

process this then add:

val _ = 2;

same error.


#314 fixed Duplication of some special messages David Aspinall Makarius

Special messages, such as priority ones, but probably also tracing, are often duplicated in the output. The *isabelle* buffer contains messages only once, as expected.

This has been reported on Ubuntu with Emacs 23, but also other combinations.

#124 fixed Edited text doesn't update document model alex heneveld David Aspinall

Editing text doesn't always change the document model underlying. Then sending the next command sends the old text.

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