Custom Query (361 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 361)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#427 duplicate defpacustom and undo David Aspinall coquser


defpacustom settings are not preserved over undo, at least not for Coq. Consider, for instance, switching "Print fully explicit" on in the middle of some file, then after undo, you get again normal printing behavior. (For Coq, this is of course not really surprising.) I don't know, if we really want to implement settings that are preserved over undo. However, it would be nice, if the defpacustom variable is reset to normal state (and thereby also its menu entry), if its effect is lost because of an undo.


#469 duplicate coqgeneral 4.3pre130327 does not compile with Emacs 24.3 David Aspinall coquser

I have the following error at compile time:

generic/pg-response.el:104:23:Error: special-display-regexps' is an obsolete variable (as of 24.3); use display-buffer-alist' instead.

#382 fixed coq-mode inhibits automatic saving of abbrevs David Aspinall coquser

Setting save-abbrevs to nil in coq-install-abbrevs disables automatics saving of any abbreviation that the user defined in this emacs session. This is not acceptable for people who do use abbrevs.

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