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Results (40 - 42 of 361)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#109 fixed Missing output from Coq David Aspinall David Aspinall

Dear Proof General developers,

In Coq, the identity tactic, idtac, is also used to print its arguments, for example, for debugging purposes. However, I don't see the output of idtac either in the *goals* or in the *response* buffer.

For example, I don't see any output after executing the following script:

Goal True.
idtac "Hello!".

Is there a way to correct this?

Thank you, Yeveniy Makarov

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 21.4.1 (i386-redhat-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw3d scroll bars)
 of 2006-03-07 on
Package: Proof General

current state:
 proof-general-version "Proof General Version 3.6pre061027. Released by da."
 proof-assistant "Coq"
#110 fixed Search Rewrite and Search About queries for Proof General/Coq David Aspinall Yves Bertot

The options "Search Rewrite ..." and "Search About ..." do not work in the pre-release (ProofGeneral-3.7pre070312)

To fix the problem I had to patch the file coq.el. I include the corrected version.

#111 fixed Centering the goal window on the right part of the goals David Aspinall Yves Bertot

In coq, when doing large proofs, the goals window tends to not be centered on the right information: it only shows the oldest assumptions, and when the list of assumption is too long, it does not even show the statement of the first goal.

I suggest centering on bar of equal signs that separates the most recent hypotheses from the current goal. I did it by modifying two files: proof-utils.el and pg-goals.el

While I think that the modification on proof-utils.el can be shared with other proof systems (I only add the possibility that the target point could be given by a string that will be searched in the buffer), the change done on pg-goals.el is coq-specific and should not be left there, but I could not find how to make the code customizable in this respect.

So this is a suggestion for modification, but this should be reviewed to make it more generic in its approach.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.